This was the contents of an e-mail I sent to Prof. Halbstien I thought it doubled as a good journal update..
Hey I just wanted to check in and update you. I hope you had a great break. I'm still fighting with the rigs but I think I"m 2 days away from finished. I killed the set up machine in the event that I may have to do work at NYU. I also thank you for the tutorial it was very helpful. I couldn't do it exactly as the document suggested, so I wanted you to check the rig before I stared skinning.
Some other questions.
Do influence object have to be parented and if so where?
How do you get nurbs circle controls to stay attached to the rig where you want them?
How do you make a character control that selects everything so you can scale the character and the rig?
I think I'll be able to proceed without the advisement but I want help setting the project up, organizing the scenes, planning the renders, and referencing the characters.
Lastly I have a pretty ambitious work schedule that I'll need to keep to if this is going to get done on time.
Thanks again for all your help.
As I read this I forgot to send him a copy of the rig!!!
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